Thursday, January 20, 2005

It has been finished!

The new area, The Northern Plains, is up! Many thanks to Kroz and Stardeo. This is area #5 for me, and rewrite #3. I'm busily working on more projects, so expect something to come up sometime soon!

Thursday, January 13, 2005

it's almost there!

I'm excited to hear that mudconnector is back up, because this means that I can vote again. Another area of excitement is that I'm almost almost ALMOST done with my next area. It's in my court again, because Kroz the Wonder Spellchecker has just gone through the area and found all of my typos and my sleep-deprived logical mistakes. The snowflake quest was also a lot of fun, and I'm glad to see that so many people participated. I know that ROM can seem a little lonely at times, but I'm pretty convinced that it's mostly because our player base is spread all over the world.

Let's make ROM a great place to be!

My goal this year is to finish another rewrite sometime this year, and to work on my next area, code named A.S. It's a 300 room area, so it won't get finished for quite a while yet, but I seem to bounce back and forth between writing new material and rewriting old material. I really do enjoy building...

Otherwise, things to announce is that I removed the maze in the Azure Sea, which should make things quite a bit more accessible for the lower levels in that area. Go visit Sigin, people!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

What did you guys do for New Year's?

First of all, Happy New Year. :)

I worked a little - ended up having a hot date: went for sushi, then to a movie (House of Flying Daggers). Mm. Sushi. And mm, Takeshi Kaneshiro is a hottie.