Sunday, August 29, 2004

Rewrite update

Well. I just finished writing an easter egg into the new area, so you guys can now be all anxious while I continue to develop it. I'm also setting up a quest that will start September 8, but it really depends on whether or not I get my black belt that day. :) So if things go well and I get my black belt, we will have a week-long slay-and-find quest! I hope everyone will participate.

Incidentally, I just saw "Hero" last night. It was a gorgeous movie, both symbolically and cinematographically. Wow. "The colors! The colors!" The guy I went with didn't notice that each different version of the story had different colors. Our ensuing conversation was, as they say, extremely amusing.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Group blog! Group blog!

Oh, all right. I might as well help to inaugurate this new bloggy blog blog. Foxy here, and I'll share a little of my crazy crazy life. I'm probably not the only software-engineer-turned-English teacher you know, but I think we're fairly rare. And, actually, I don't know how it happened, but this year I'm teaching AP English (college-level rhetoric) and Algebra I at the high school level. Right. Otherwise, mostly single, strong religious tendencies, in the Pacific time zone (-8GMT/UTC for those of you not a part of the conglomeration known as North America).

Other than ROM, I spend my spare time coaching soccer, training in martial arts (just survived my black belt test), running, biking, teaching self-defense, kicking ass in general, and in my spare-spare time, gig as a professional musician (I've been on TV twice so far).

In other news, I'm very close (probably two weeks) from completing my next area rewrite, which should tide you guys over until I finish my next big project. (Or unless I get bored of my next big project and go back to rewriting old Diku areas.) I'll announce it when it comes. I'm really looking forward to it being a big happy thing. I have about four projects on the burners right now (two rewrites, one LARGE original area and one biggish original area as a rewrite/cowrite with Teran), so we'll just see which ones land first.

Here's a list of the projects I've worked on over the past two or so years:

Rewrites - The Graveyard, Gnome Village
Original - Great Market Fair (with Gothos), Na Igreja

All in all, I've managed to touch about 600 vnums. Not bad for a working professional.